
Completed Research Projects

We are pleased to participate in various research projects that address future topics. Our Innovation Department works closely with renowned partners from research and industry to create new solutions for the healthcare sector.

On this page, we present our innovative projects that we have successfully completed.


Completed Research Projects

We are pleased to participate in various research projects that address future topics. Our Innovation Department works closely with renowned partners from research and industry to create new solutions for the healthcare sector.
On this page, we present our innovative projects that we have successfully completed.
“We are driven by our desire to remain at the forefront of technology. That’s why we’re shaping the future through various, partially publicly funded, projects – in close collaboration with our partners from research institutions and industry. Alongside a broad range of healthcare initiatives, civil security remains one of our core priorities.”

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Michael Czaplik

Managing Partner

TelPa kids

Use of Telemedicine in Specialized Outpatient Palliative Care for Children and Adolescents in Hesse

Funded by: Hessisches Ministerium für Soziales und Integration
Project duration: 10/2021 – 09/2024
Since 2007, there has been specialized outpatient palliative care (SAPV) in Hesse for children with incurable and severe illnesses. Three SAPV teams care for these children and their families at home, including nights and weekends, even though there are often great distances between the teams and the patients.
The TelPa_kids project aims to develop an app that enables secure communication between patients, their families, and the Pediatric Palliative Care Teams. The app will allow video calls, transmission of medical reports, photos, videos, and heart and lung sound recordings from a digital stethoscope. The use of the app is intended to improve patient care without compromising personal attention. It will be tested as part of the project to determine its effectiveness and benefits.

TelPa kids​

Use of Telemedicine in Specialized Outpatient Palliative Care for Children and Adolescents in Hesse

Funded by: Hessisches Ministerium für Soziales und Integration
Project duration: 10/2021 – 09/2024
Since 2007, there has been specialized outpatient palliative care (SAPV) in Hesse for children with incurable and severe illnesses. Three SAPV teams care for these children and their families at home, including nights and weekends, even though there are often great distances between the teams and the patients.
The TelPa_kids project aims to develop an app that enables secure communication between patients, their families, and the Pediatric Palliative Care Teams. The app will allow video calls, transmission of medical reports, photos, videos, and heart and lung sound recordings from a digital stethoscope. The use of the app is intended to improve patient care without compromising personal attention. It will be tested as part of the project to determine its effectiveness and benefits.
Logo von mFUND - Das Startkapital für die Mobilität der Zukunft


European UAV-Supported Transport Solutions for Medical Goods

Funded by: Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr & mFUND- Das Startkapital für die Mobilität der Zukunft
Project duration: 11/2021 – 10/2024
The EULE project aims to enable the safe and efficient transport of medical goods in the Rhenish region. To achieve this, it relies on the use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) to efficiently connect hospitals, laboratories, and pharmaceutical wholesalers.
The use of new mobility applications through UAS offers great potential to significantly improve medical care in both urban and rural areas. Additionally, the project supports the digital networking of medical logistics processes, driven by ongoing digitalization.
Logo von ZIM - Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand.


Development of a Multisensor Solution for Contactless Vital Sign Monitoring in Nursing Homes

Funded by: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) & Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) – Netzwerkförderung

Projektlaufzeit: 11/2021 – 04/2024

VitaSecure aims to improve care conditions in nursing homes and reduce the treatment workload. For this purpose, an intelligent sensor system is being developed that can record vital parameters contactlessly and reliably over extended periods. This innovative technology is made possible through the combination of radar- and image-based sensors.
Additionally, a tailored documentation and early warning system is being developed, specifically designed to meet the requirements in the care sector. It will provide situational warnings and action routines to the care staff, enabling them to respond early to deteriorations in patients’ conditions and significantly improve the care of those in need.
Ältere Dame bei einer Telemedizin-Sitzung


Development of a Multisensor Solution for Contactless Vital Sign Monitoring in Nursing Homes

Funded by: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) & Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) – Network Funding
Project duration: 11/2021 – 04/2024
VitaSecure aims to improve care conditions in nursing homes and reduce the treatment workload. For this purpose, an intelligent sensor system is being developed that can record vital parameters contactlessly and reliably over extended periods. This innovative technology is made possible through the combination of radar- and image-based sensors.
Additionally, a tailored documentation and early warning system is being developed, specifically designed to meet the requirements in the care sector. It will provide situational warnings and action routines to the care staff, enabling them to respond early to deteriorations in patients’ conditions and significantly improve the care of those in need.
VitaSecure aims to improve care conditions in nursing homes and reduce the treatment workload. For this purpose, an intelligent sensor system is being developed that can record vital parameters contactlessly and reliably over extended periods. This innovative technology is made possible through the combination of radar- and image-based sensors.


Textile-Based Sensor Technology for the Human-Machine Interface to Control Orthoses and Exoskeletons

Funded by: Funded by: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) & Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) – Netzwerkförderung
Project duration: 01/2021 – 12/2023
The ExoSENSE project aims to develop scalable, textile-based sensor technologies through international collaboration between Korean and German partners. These sensors will be integrated into advanced rehabilitation devices and exoskeletons to enable precise, efficient, and intuitive medical rehabilitation.
The technology allows patients to control movements themselves and provides real-time monitoring of the therapy progress through a cloud-based solution. It overcomes the limitations of existing sensor systems and lays the foundation for controlling more complex exoskeletons in the future.


The Tele-Emergency Medical Director as a Future Strategy in Disaster Medicine

Funded by: Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK)
Projektlaufzeit: 01/2021 – 12/2023
The TeleSAN project aims to evaluate the use of telemedicine in civil defense situations. In such scenarios, like terrorist attacks or natural disasters, command and emergency personnel face unique challenges. The TeleSAN app enables responders to connect with telemedicine experts, including emergency physicians and specialists, who can provide remote assistance with triage, initial care, and personalized medical therapy. The app also offers treatment algorithms and action guidelines to provide both professional and volunteer responders with the highest level of operational confidence during their missions.
The TeleSAN project aims to evaluate the use of telemedicine in civil defense situations. In such scenarios, like terrorist attacks or natural disasters, leadership and emergency personnel face unique challenges. The TeleSAN app enables responders to connect with telemedicine experts, including emergency physicians and specialists, who can provide remote support for triage, initial care, and personalized medical therapy. The app also offers treatment algorithms and action instructions to provide both professional and volunteer responders with the highest level of operational confidence during their missions.


The Tele-Emergency Medical Director as a Future Strategy in Disaster Medicine

Funded by: Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK)
Project duration: 01/2021 – 12/2023
The TeleSAN project aims to evaluate the use of telemedicine in civil defense situations. In such scenarios, like terrorist attacks or natural disasters, command and emergency personnel face unique challenges. The TeleSAN app enables responders to connect with telemedicine experts, including emergency physicians and specialists, who can provide remote assistance with triage, initial care, and personalized medical therapy. The app also offers treatment algorithms and action guidelines to provide both professional and volunteer responders with the highest level of operational confidence during their missions.
The TeleSAN project aims to evaluate the use of telemedicine in civil defense situations. In such scenarios, like terrorist attacks or natural disasters, leadership and emergency personnel face unique challenges. The TeleSAN app enables responders to connect with telemedicine experts, including emergency physicians and specialists, who can provide remote support for triage, initial care, and personalized medical therapy. The app also offers treatment algorithms and action instructions to provide both professional and volunteer responders with the highest level of operational confidence during their missions.
The TeleSAN project aims to evaluate the use of telemedicine in civil defense situations. In such scenarios, like terrorist attacks or natural disasters, command and emergency personnel face unique challenges. The TeleSAN app enables responders to connect with telemedicine experts, including emergency physicians and specialists, who can provide remote assistance with triage, initial care, and personalized medical therapy. The app also offers treatment algorithms and action guidelines to provide both professional and volunteer responders with the highest level of operational confidence during their missions.


Work Development in Elderly Care through the Introduction of a Telemedicine Emergency Service Concept

Funded by: Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) 2014-2020 "Investitionen in Wachstum und Beschäftigung"
Project duration: 11/2019 – 03/2023
Due to demographic changes and the simultaneous shortage of skilled workers in elderly care, medical care in nursing homes is becoming increasingly demanding. The AIDA project aimed to address these challenges.
As part of AIDA, a telemedicine application called TeleDoc was used to involve general practitioners in routine visits to elderly care facilities via remote access. The main goal of AIDA was to make both medical and nursing staff more efficient, analyze the changes in elderly care from a work-science perspective, and ensure comprehensive patient care.


Prozessoptimierung durch integrierte Medizinprodukte in OP und Klinik

Gefördert von: - EFRE.NRW - Investitionen in Wachstum und Beschäftigung - Europäische Union – Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung - Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Laufzeit: 2019 – 2022

Das Projekt EULE hat das Ziel, den sicheren und effizienten Transport von medizinischen Gütern im Rheinischen Revier zu ermöglichen. Hierfür setzt es auf den Einsatz unbemannter Flugsysteme (UAS), um Krankenhäuser, Labore und pharmazeutische Großhändler effizient zu vernetzen.

Die Verwendung neuer Mobilitätsanwendungen durch UAS eröffnet großes Potenzial, die medizinische Versorgung sowohl in städtischen als auch ländlichen Gebieten signifikant zu verbessern. Zudem unterstützt das Projekt die digitale Vernetzung der medizinischen Logistikprozesse, die durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung vorangetrieben wird.

Die Idee dieses Projektes ist es, die bereits in den Vorgängerprojekten OR.NET und ZiMT erfolgreich entwickelten integrierten Workstations für Chirurgie, Anästhesie, OP-Pflege und OP-Management sowie deren Schnittstellen zur Klinik weiter auszubauen. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Entwicklung von Arbeitsstationen, die einen effizienten und reibungslosen Austausch von Funktionen und Informationen ermöglichen. Ein weiterer zentraler Aspekt ist die Implementierung multimodaler, prozess- und kontextabhängiger Eingabesysteme für das OP-Team, darunter Technologien wie Touchscreens, Tablets, Gesten- und Sprachsteuerung.


Process Optimization through Integrated Medical Devices in Operating Rooms and Clinics

Funded by:

– EFRE.NRW – Investitionen in Wachstum und Beschäftigung

– Europäische Union – Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung

– Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Innovation, Digitalisierung und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

Project duration: 2019 – 2022

In operating rooms and clinics, there is often a lack of manufacturer-independent networking of medical devices and effective information exchange between the medical disciplines.
The idea of this project is to further develop the integrated workstations for surgery, anesthesia, OR nursing, and OR management, as well as their interfaces with the clinic, which were successfully developed in the predecessor projects OR.NET and ZiMT. The focus is on developing workstations that enable efficient and seamless exchange of functions and information. Another key aspect is the implementation of multimodal, process- and context-dependent input systems for the OR team, including technologies such as touchscreens, tablets, gesture, and voice control.


Audiovisual Medical Information Technology in Complex Operational Situations

Funded by: Bundesministerium für Forschung
Laufzeit: 10/2014 – 12/2017
The Audime project aims to support the work of emergency responders in chaotic situations with a large number of injured people by using modern technology.
For this purpose, emergency responders are equipped with smart glasses that can both display and capture information. These glasses allow responders to view triage standards or treatment procedures to systematically follow them, thus avoiding misjudgments. Alternatively, a senior emergency physician can be brought in via video streaming at the push of a button to assist the paramedic. At the end of the triage, the casualty tag documenting the results can be photographed and saved. This concept follows the principle of “High-Tech meets No-Tech,” preserving established infrastructures and procedures. The advantage is that responders can maintain their usual working methods while receiving additional support through the smart glasses.


Flight System-Assisted Management of Complex Operational Situations

Funded by: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Laufzeit: 08/2018 – 02/2022
The FALKE project is developing a system that enables semi-automated search and triage of injured individuals during disaster events.
For this purpose, a contactless vital sign detection system is being developed by combining video, thermal imaging, and radar sensors. These sensors are mounted on an unmanned aerial system (UAS) to provide an overview of the accident site even before the emergency responders arrive. The UAS determines the location of the injured and can use the integrated sensors to measure their vital signs. The triage of the injured is reviewed by a senior emergency physician via a telemedicine connection over a secure data line and corrected if necessary.
The FALKE project is developing a system that enables semi-automated search and triage of injured individuals during disaster events.
For this purpose, a contactless vital sign detection system is being developed by combining video, thermal imaging, and radar sensors. These sensors are mounted on an unmanned aerial system (UAS) to provide an overview of the accident site even before the emergency responders arrive. The UAS determines the location of the injured and can use the integrated sensors to measure their vital signs. The triage of the injured is reviewed by a senior emergency physician via a telemedicine connection over a secure data line and corrected if necessary.


Flight System-Assisted Management of Complex Operational Situations

Funded by: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Laufzeit: 08/2018 – 02/2022
The FALKE project is developing a system that enables semi-automated search and triage of injured individuals during disaster events.
For this purpose, a contactless vital sign detection system is being developed by combining video, thermal imaging, and radar sensors. These sensors are mounted on an unmanned aerial system (UAS) to provide an overview of the accident site even before the emergency responders arrive. The UAS determines the location of the injured and can use the integrated sensors to measure their vital signs. The triage of the injured is reviewed by a senior emergency physician via a telemedicine connection over a secure data line and corrected if necessary.


Sensor-Based System Solution for the Objective Assessment of Animal Welfare and Stress in Zoological Facilities and Private Settings

Funded by: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Project duration: 05/2021 – 12/2023
In addition to showcasing animals, zoological facilities bear an increasing responsibility in terms of education and research, but most importantly with regard to species conservation. By maintaining healthy populations, especially of endangered species, reserve stocks are created, enabling their later reintegration into secure habitats.
The “ProVital” project aims to develop a monitoring system to improve animal welfare for zoo and wild animals. The focus is on combining transponder-based location tracking, camera-based behavior monitoring, contactless vital sign measurement, and acoustic analysis. Using artificial intelligence, the collected data is analyzed in 2D and 3D to assess the animals’ behavior. Based on this analysis, enrichment measures are developed to specifically help with stress management and enhance animal welfare.

Current Projects

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Aktuelle Projekte

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