
Current Research Projects

We take pride in our involvement in diverse research projects that address the challenges and opportunities of the future. Our innovation department collaborates with renowned partners from academia and industry to create creative solutions for the healthcare sector. Below, you will find an overview of our ongoing projects.
“We are driven by our desire to remain at the forefront of technology. That’s why we’re shaping the future through various, partially publicly funded, projects – in close collaboration with our partners from research institutions and industry. Alongside a broad range of healthcare initiatives, civil security remains one of our core priorities.”

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Michael Czaplik

Managing Partner
Logo von der NRW Förderagentur
Logo vom Projekt "Stream"


Smart Telemedical Risk Evaluation on Analytical Models

Funded by: Innovation Promotion Agency NRW
Project duration: 07/2024 – 06/2027

This form is designed to enable medical consultations and patient consent to be conducted online, which avoids long travel times and waiting periods while also contributing to infection prevention. The contactless process is legally compliant and ensures the highest level of data security, allowing patients to complete the consultation comfortably from home.

The aim of the project is to develop a digital, adaptive, and context-sensitive anamnesis form that will be integrated into a telemedicine education system.


Police Medical Teleconsultation and Networking with Emergency Services to Improve Operational Security in Life-Threatening Situations

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Project duration: 07/2024 – 06/2026
The goal of the project “PolARett” is to improve the operational security of police forces in life-threatening situations. For this purpose, a software is being developed that supports and guides the forces based on their basic medical knowledge. This software can be used on various devices such as smartphones and smart glasses to provide telemedicine support to special forces. Additionally, the interface with emergency services is being optimized to enable quick and seamless information exchange through the software.
Logo vom Projekt VitalKITE


Vital Signs Monitoring through a Camera-based Innovative Technical Tool

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Project duration: 05/2024 – 04/2026
The project “VitalKITE” aims to monitor patients’ vital signs in treatment areas using cameras. This system is intended to be deployed during major incidents or disasters to ensure timely and effective care. The objective is to develop an algorithm that enables simultaneous monitoring of multiple patients with one camera and the detection of critical condition changes based on threshold values for vital signs. Inspired by the FALKE project, which uses smart sensors to measure vital signs contactless from drones, the technology is set to be further developed.
Logo vom Projekt Kabine


Mobile Telemedicine Examination Booth to Ensure Basic Medical Care

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Duration: 04/2024 – 03/2026
The project “KABINE” focuses on creating a plan to quickly restore the medical care in crisis areas. A key priority is the development of a demonstrator for telemedicine examination booths, which can be set up in affected areas and operate autonomously with power and communication tools. In the critical period following a disaster, KABINE assists in the classification of patients into different treatment categories.
Logo von Rubin - Regionale unternehmerische Bündnisse für Innovation

MediNET - Supervision

Medical Device Platform for Openly Networked Central Workstations in Operating Rooms and Clinics according to ISO IEEE 11073

Funded by: Rubin – Regional Entrepreneurial Alliances for Innovation

SDC – Tele-Supervision

Duration: 11/2023 – 10/2026
The project aims to establish a technology center that will function as a demonstration, testing, and training facility, significantly improving the quality of medical care in Aachen. An open network of medical devices has the potential to improve the healthcare by making workflows more efficient and easing the burden on both staff and patients.
The initiative focuses on the use of tele-supervision and telemonitoring, particularly in anaesthesiology and intensive care. Due to the shortage of skilled professionals, tele-supervision by experienced colleagues offers valuable support. Another aspect of the project involves exploring the use of telemedicine in anaesthesiology from technical, ethical, and legal perspectives, and developing a software demonstrator that will be tested in studies.


Telemedicine Interaction Between Patients and Therapists to Guide Rehabilitation Goals

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 12/2023 – 12/2026
Facial expressions are a crucial element of human communication. A peripheral injury to the nerve that controls these expressions often results in idiopathic facial paralysis, affecting 20 to 30 individuals per 100,000 people each year.
The FACErehab project aims to enhance the conservative treatment of facial palsy through a home-based EMG biofeedback system. Utilizing an app, patients can visualize their progress and directly share it with their doctor. This approach fosters telemedicine interactions between patients and therapists and supports their rehabilitation. The project is being developed by a consortium of professionals and affected individuals to ensure a practical and patient-centered therapy experience.


Police Medical Teleconsultation and Networking with Emergency Services to Improve Operational Security in Life-Threatening Situations

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Project duration: 07/2024 – 06/2026

Das Projekt EULE hat das Ziel, den sicheren und effizienten Transport von medizinischen Gütern im Rheinischen Revier zu ermöglichen. Hierfür setzt es auf den Einsatz unbemannter Flugsysteme (UAS), um Krankenhäuser, Labore und pharmazeutische Großhändler effizient zu vernetzen.

Die Verwendung neuer Mobilitätsanwendungen durch UAS eröffnet großes Potenzial, die medizinische Versorgung sowohl in städtischen als auch ländlichen Gebieten signifikant zu verbessern. Zudem unterstützt das Projekt die digitale Vernetzung der medizinischen Logistikprozesse, die durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung vorangetrieben wird.

The goal of the project “PolARett” is to improve the operational security of police forces in life-threatening situations. For this purpose, a software is being developed that supports and guides the forces based on their basic medical knowledge. This software can be used on various devices such as smartphones and smart glasses to provide telemedicine support to special forces. Additionally, the interface with emergency services is being optimized to enable quick and seamless information exchange through the software.
Logo vom Projekt VitalKITE


Vital Signs Monitoring through a Camera-based Innovative Technical Tool

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Project duration: 05/2024 – 04/2026

Das Projekt EULE hat das Ziel, den sicheren und effizienten Transport von medizinischen Gütern im Rheinischen Revier zu ermöglichen. Hierfür setzt es auf den Einsatz unbemannter Flugsysteme (UAS), um Krankenhäuser, Labore und pharmazeutische Großhändler effizient zu vernetzen.

Die Verwendung neuer Mobilitätsanwendungen durch UAS eröffnet großes Potenzial, die medizinische Versorgung sowohl in städtischen als auch ländlichen Gebieten signifikant zu verbessern. Zudem unterstützt das Projekt die digitale Vernetzung der medizinischen Logistikprozesse, die durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung vorangetrieben wird.

The project “VitalKITE” aims to monitor patients’ vital signs in treatment areas using cameras. This system is intended to be deployed during major incidents or disasters to ensure timely and effective care. The objective is to develop an algorithm that enables simultaneous monitoring of multiple patients with one camera and the detection of critical condition changes based on threshold values for vital signs. Inspired by the FALKE project, which uses smart sensors to measure vital signs contactless from drones, the technology is set to be further developed.
Logo vom Projekt Kabine


Mobile Telemedicine Examination Booth to Ensure Basic Medical Care

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 04/2024 – 03/2026

Das Projekt EULE hat das Ziel, den sicheren und effizienten Transport von medizinischen Gütern im Rheinischen Revier zu ermöglichen. Hierfür setzt es auf den Einsatz unbemannter Flugsysteme (UAS), um Krankenhäuser, Labore und pharmazeutische Großhändler effizient zu vernetzen.

Die Verwendung neuer Mobilitätsanwendungen durch UAS eröffnet großes Potenzial, die medizinische Versorgung sowohl in städtischen als auch ländlichen Gebieten signifikant zu verbessern. Zudem unterstützt das Projekt die digitale Vernetzung der medizinischen Logistikprozesse, die durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung vorangetrieben wird.

The project “KABINE” focuses on creating a plan to quickly restore the medical care in crisis areas. A key priority is the development of a demonstrator for telemedicine examination booths, which can be set up in affected areas and operate autonomously with power and communication tools. In the critical period following a disaster, KABINE assists in the classification of patients into different treatment categories.
Logo von Rubin - Regionale unternehmerische Bündnisse für Innovation

MediNET - Supervision

Medical Device Platform for Openly Networked Central Workstations in Operating Rooms and Clinics according to ISO IEEE 11073

Funded by: Rubin – Regional Entrepreneurial Alliances for Innovation

SDC – Tele-Supervision

Duration: 11/2023 – 10/2026
The project aims to establish a technology center that will function as a demonstration, testing, and training facility, significantly improving the quality of medical care in Aachen. An open network of medical devices has the potential to improve the healthcare by making workflows more efficient and easing the burden on both staff and patients.
The initiative focuses on the use of tele-supervision and telemonitoring, particularly in anaesthesiology and intensive care. Due to the shortage of skilled professionals, tele-supervision by experienced colleagues offers valuable support. Another aspect of the project involves exploring the use of telemedicine in anaesthesiology from technical, ethical, and legal perspectives, and developing a software demonstrator that will be tested in studies.


Telemedicine Interaction Between Patients and Therapists to Guide Rehabilitation Goals

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Duration: 12/2023 – 12/2026

Das Projekt EULE hat das Ziel, den sicheren und effizienten Transport von medizinischen Gütern im Rheinischen Revier zu ermöglichen. Hierfür setzt es auf den Einsatz unbemannter Flugsysteme (UAS), um Krankenhäuser, Labore und pharmazeutische Großhändler effizient zu vernetzen.

Die Verwendung neuer Mobilitätsanwendungen durch UAS eröffnet großes Potenzial, die medizinische Versorgung sowohl in städtischen als auch ländlichen Gebieten signifikant zu verbessern. Zudem unterstützt das Projekt die digitale Vernetzung der medizinischen Logistikprozesse, die durch die fortschreitende Digitalisierung vorangetrieben wird.

Facial expressions are a crucial element of human communication. A peripheral injury to the nerve that controls these expressions often results in idiopathic facial paralysis, affecting 20 to 30 individuals per 100,000 people each year.
The FACErehab project aims to improve the conservative therapy of facial palsy through a home-based, motivating EMG biofeedback system. With the help of an app, patients can visualize their progress and directly transmit it to treatment centers. This promotes telemedicine contact between patients and therapists and supports effective rehabilitation. The project is being developed by a consortium of professionals and affected patients to ensure a practical and patient-centered therapy.

Completed Projects

Our Past Successes

While we continue to make progress with our ongoing projects, we warmly invite you to explore our past successes in the “Completed Projects” section. Click below to discover the impact we have achieved in the past.

Completed Projects

Our Past Successes

While we continue to make progress with our ongoing projects, we warmly invite you to explore our past successes in the “Completed Projects” section. Click below to discover the impact we have achieved in the past.

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